Monday, December 22, 2008

Collection of key questions and answers CPNS

A struggle to penetrate the selection CPNS, from the open back or subjects had to collect materials concerning years ago.
Here we help you to find a set of questions from the previous year test Aspirant State various problems. Hopefully useful (click the link to download the following questions or material CPNS) :

  1. bahasa_inggris-02.pdf
  2. bahasa_inggris-01.pdf
  3. pengetahuan_umum1.pdf
  4. pengetahuan_umum2.pdf
  5. TesSeri.pdf
  6. TesWartegg.pdf
  7. UUD45Amandemen.pdf
  8. TesTOEFL.pdf
  9. Sinonim Persamaan Kata1.pdf
  10. SinonimPersamaanKata.pdf.html
  11. TesLogikaAngka.pdf
  12. Menggambar.pdf
  13. LogikaFormil.pdf
  14. TesReading.pdf
  15. TesPadananHubungan.pdf
  16. TesBakatSkolastik.pdf
  17. AntonimLawanKata.pdf
  18. TesKoran.pdf
  19. Aritmetik.pdf
  20. Tata Negara.pdf
  21. Kebijakan Pemerintah.pdf
  22. FalsafahIdeologi.pdf
  23. BahasaIndonesia2.pdf
  24. BahasaIndonesia1.pdf
  25. SejarahNasional.pdf
  26. WARTEGG_TEST.pdf
  27. cpnsbahasaindonesia.pdf
  29. cpns falsafah & ideologi.pdf
  30. UUD1945AMANDEMEN.pdf
  31. TestBakatSkolastik.pdf
  32. umum05.pdf
  33. TPA.pdf
  34. Test_Seri.pdf
  35. umumdepag.pdf
  36. Test_Menggambar.pdf
  37. Test_Logika_Formil.pdf
  38. TEST_KORAN.pdf
  39. soalcpns2005.pdf
  40. skolastik2.pdf
  41. skolastik.pdf
  42. Teknisguru.pdf
  43. PembahasanCPNS05.pdf
  44. soal-cpns-pemkab.pdf

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tips for Surviving Job Entrance Selection in the Bank

The Bank is a company with special characteristics, because most of the assets owned by the Bank is a Human Resources it. Because the Bank's assets with an even-billion-and trillion rupiah will not mean that without human resources quality and honesty. For the candidates in the recruitment of employees, the Bank is very strict process of selection. Here are tips to pass described the selection of incoming work in the Bank, step-by-step:  
1. Test Of English As A Foreign Language (TOEFL test)
Test Of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL) is used to know the English ability of prospective employees. The test is divided into listening, reading and structure. To pass this test you should at least get a total score of 500. The test model is used by Bank Mandiri in the selection of Officer Development Program (ODP). Tips: You can improve your ability to  TOEFL with the short course, for example, in institutions Englih First (EF), Real English english or other institutions. TOEFL independent study also conducted with the cost to buy the book TOEFL BARRON's, because in the book, there are materials on the control of the TOEFL quickly and easily, and it is equipped with the test and answer key. The last test is the ability / score in the TOEFL you take a tryout with the institutions english private / university.
2. English test.
English tests are relatively easier than the TOEFL test. This is because the Bank intends to know only basic English ability prospective employee (Pasive-English). Its materials are relatively easy because only the structure and reading. The test model is used by Commerce Bank in the selection of filtering the Executive Education Program (PPE). Tips: You simply refresh the lessons Senior / Lecture on the structure and tense
3. TPA Test
Academic test Potesi (TPA) of the Bank to know the extent to which prospective employees in the mastery of mathematics, verbal and logic. Content consists of mathematics among the mastery of arithmetic progression / measure to know the accuracy / analysis of prospective employees, to know the story concerning the ability of an analytical understanding of the problems and crempling (addition in order to decrease the number) to know the resilience of the concentration of prospective employees. All Banks tend to use the test this model. Tips: With a lot of practice through books landfill, which is sold in many shops, books, you can easily pass from this stage. Special crempling to test, use a pencil pen Laura normal, do not use a mechanical pencil, because when the end mechanical pencil out, you need a little time to touch/press out. In the time in seconds in a very meaningful test this model.
4. Psychology test.
Bank psychological tests done to see the extent to which the personality of prospective employees. In this test there is no term care / wrong, that there is conformity to the needs / position specifications that are offered positions. A prospective employees with personal creativity is very high or the like will be a challenge, sometimes seemed less compete in the selection of incoming Bank, compared to prospective employees but creativity are creativity high or medium (honest). Because, in general, the Bank requires employees with the specifications: honest, disciplined, intelligent, creative medium, but charming. Almost all of the Bank using the test this model. Tips: You must be honest yourself, so soon if accepted, you will be comfortable working as an employee of Bank
5. Discussion of the test.
Discussion of the test or often called Focus Group Discussion, the Bank used to know the extent to which the ability of prospective employees in terms of speed to understand the problem, leadership, teamwork and sportifity. Prospective employees be grouped in small groups consisting of 4-8 people, which will be tested in the ability to discuss resolving a problem. The test model is used among others in Bank Mandiri, Bank Central Asia (BCA), Bank Niaga and Bank Danamon. Tips: you do not need to dominate the discussion or debate in the win to maintain your argument. You have to do is provide a positive contribution to the discussions, for example by providing an attractive argument or a moderator of the discussion. Given argument you are polite and not emotional
6. Interview test.
The test used the interview to know the behavior or attitude in the face of prospective employees problems / questions management / directors. All of the Bank using the test this model. Tips: You only need to be dressed, polite, neat, sweet but not excessive, and answer every question with a polite, businesslike and effective deft. There is also a good idea to prepare your answers in English, at least when memeperkenalkan yourself
7. Health tests.
Health tests used to know the fitness of prospective employees of disease and drugs. Tes ini terdiri atas tes darah, tes tekanan darah, tes buta warna dan tes urine. The test consists of blood tests, blood pressure tests, the test color-blind tests and urinalysis. All of the Bank using the test this model. Tipsnya: Prepare your physical start a week earlier, through sports, and avoid eating colesterol enough rest. For those of you who smoke one you use, albeit temporarily.
  • translated from 

Tip 1 : Verbal Analog Test

Psikotes verbal analog type often used as a matter of material tests civil servants, banking, cpns and test the potential to continue the academic education S2. In the process, the test is limited verbal analog time. So the more smoothly your answer, the more material matter that you finish with the means to know or even memorize answer these questions you will more quickly but calmly in the following. The following tips so that you can quickly have questions psikotes analog verbal:
1. kapten : kapal = pilot : ?
a. udara
b. cepat
c. pemboman
d. kapal terbang

2. wanita : kebaya = pria : ?
a. sepatu
b. baju
c. topi
d. jas

3. makan : gemuk = kelaparan : ?
a. makan
b. kurus
c. mati
d. dahaga

4. mobil : bensin = kereta : ?
a. perlahan-lahan
b. kusir
c. mengendarai
d. kuda

5. gerobag : roda = kacamata : ?
a. lensa
b. hidung
c. melihat
d. teropong

6. siang : matahari = malam : ?
a. gelap
b. bintang
c. jauh
d. tidur

7. mejahit : jarum = menebang : ?
a. pisau
b. daging
c. pohon
d. kapak

8. teman : kenalan = marah : ?
a. panas
b. bengis
c. murka
d. bercahaya

9. besar : lebih besar = lebih besar : ?
a. raksasa
b. besar
c. lebih besar
d. paling besar

10. menggerutu : memaki = membohong : ?
a. buruk
b. penipu
c. membual
d. menghukum

11. es : dingin = air : ?
a. basah
b. minum
c. sungai
d. kering

12. kuda : cepat = siput : ?
a. merayap
b. lambat
c. berlendir
d. berumah

13. beras : padi = kacang : ?
a. hijau
b. buah polong-polongan
c. tanah
d. panjang

14. saya : kami = ia : ?
a. kita
b. mereka
c. kalian
d. engkau

15. minum : dahaga = bernafas : ?
a. sesak
b. paru-paru
c. kalian
d. engkau

translate from :

Training Tip & Question CPNS

We congratulate you because it has been very lucky to find this website ... you will soon read IMPORTANT information about the test Selection CPNS in Indonesia, which may change the life or your future. Note that the good will that we are, it makes sense! 
If you are a prospective participants Selection Test CPNS, then by reading this website, means that success is in front of your eyes. Because we will reveal important information about the little CPNS as the stock you ... The Selection Test CPNS  will be held simultaneously in all regions of Indonesia. If you calculate the number of cities or districts in Indonesia, along with the number of agencies ranging from regional governments, schools, hospitals, etc., then you can imagine how the number of participants who will take the test ..? True, the number is many.
Moreover, plus the number of unemployment in this country who want to get a job immediately. But almost be ascertained, that the Selection Test CPNS at the whole of Indonesia is not the number again but thousands and even tens of thousands could reach hundreds of thousands ... If you are a participant Test Selection CPNS, then you remember that the road is not easy because so many competitors. But do not worry, because we will help you to make you the opportunity to pass Selection CPNS big! Please see your good.
so, this blog give you information job vacancy others cpns : BUMN, Telkom, Bank and other thing relevancy.
I hope this blog can be your reference to get a job. Thanks your attention.